Controls (2024)

"Control" redirects here. For the sprinting which is activated by the control key, see Sprinting.

Java and Bedrock editions for Windows uses the standard control scheme of mouse and keyboard controls as input. The game cannot be played using only a mouse or only a keyboard using the default control scheme. The controls menu is located in the Options setting.


  • 1 Java Edition
    • 1.1 Non-configurable controls
    • 1.2 Semi-configurable controls
    • 1.3 Configurable controls
    • 1.4 Visual map
  • 2 Bedrock Edition
    • 2.2 Controller
    • 2.3 Touch
  • 3 Legacy Versions
    • 3.1 Pi Edition
    • 3.2 Pocket Edition: Xperia Play
    • 3.3 Legacy Console Edition
      • 3.3.1 Notes
      • 3.3.2 Gameplay
      • 3.3.3 In crafting
    • 3.4 New Nintendo 3DS Edition
  • 4 Old Keys
    • 4.1 Java Edition
      • 4.1.1 Debugging controls
    • 4.2 Pocket Edition
  • 5 Issues
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 See also
  • 8 Notes
  • 9 References

Java Edition[]

Non-configurable controls[]

Note: On many notebook computers and most Macs, "Function keys" (briefly "F-keys") do not operate in their default configuration. The player can often get around this by pressing the Fn key or sometimes the ⇧ Shift key while they press an F-key. To make F-keys work in macOS, go to the Apple menu → System Preferences → Keyboard and mouse and check the "Use F1, F2 etc. as normal keys." If the player choose the first option, they can then use the Fn key to switch F-keys back to actions they used to do (e.g. play/pause music, etc.). The player can also use the F-keys by holding the ⌥ Option button while pressing them.

Java Edition uses a combination of the mouse and keyboard for controls, generically known as "mouselook/keymove." Many prior games (such as DOOM and Quake) have used such a scheme, but those who have not played such a game before may need practice to get around effectively. Creative mode or Peaceful survival mode are helpful for a player to gain familiarity with the controls.

Controls (1)Pick an item up from a slot; split a stack evenly (hold and drag); sort loose items into one stack (double-click).
Controls (2)Pick an item up from a slot; Pick an item on a slot in half; Place one item from a stack in each inventory slot (hold and drag).
Controls (3)Turning; aiming; camera movement.
Controls (4)Scrolls through the Hotbar and the chat when opened.
EscOpens up the menu and gives back cursor control. Pauses Singleplayer games. Closes any open GUI. Exits the chat/command window.
Ctrl + BToggles the Narrator.
F1Toggles the Heads-Up Display.

Use this in conjunction with F2 to take screenshots without the HUD. This option is also useful when exploring with a map.

F3Pressing this key toggles the appearance of extra debug information on the top of the screen alongside the Minecraft version, such as FPS (frames per second), coordinates, and available memory.

Pressing the keys 19 while in the debug screen shows a more detailed view of the graph on the right. Pressing 0 shows a less detailed graph. (Hold ⇧ Shift before pressing F3 to display the Profiler graph.)

Pressing Q while holding F3 brings up a help menu, showing all F3 shortcuts.

Pressing A while holding F3 reloads all chunks.

Pressing T while holding F3 reloads all textures, sounds and web-loaded client resources, which is useful for resource pack authors.

Pressing P while holding F3 toggles the auto-pause when the window loses focus.

Pressing H while holding F3 toggles detailed item descriptions.

  • Shows tool and armor durability as a fraction on damaged items
  • Displays the zoom level of a map

Pressing C while holding F3 copies the player's coordinates and rotation as a /tp command.

Pressing C while holding F3 for at least 6 seconds triggers a manual debug crash on purpose after the keys are released.

Pressing B while holding F3 toggles showing the hitbox around entities.

Pressing D while holding F3 clears chat history (including previously typed commands).

Pressing N while holding F3 switches the player's game mode between the previous game mode and Spectator.

Pressing G while holding F3 shows the chunk boundaries immediately surrounding the player.

Pressing Esc while holding F3 pauses the game without bringing up the pause menu.

Pressing F4 while holding F3 brings up the gamemode changer menu.

Pressing L while holding F3 begins a ten-second recording, which captures information such as tick durations and used heap sizes.

Pressing S while holding F3 dumps contents of dynamic textures and font textures to screenshots/debug/.


When the F5 key is pressed while on the multiplayer screen, it refreshes the server list.

⇧ Shift[verify]When the inventory is open, ⇧ Shift +  clicking on an item or stack moves it between the inventory and the hotbar.

⇧ Shift +  clicking on a piece of armor, a carved pumpkin, a mob head or a pair of elytra moves it between the inventory and the corresponding armor slot.

⇧ Shift +  clicking on a shield moves it between the inventory and the off-hand slot.

When a container is open, ⇧ Shift +  clicking on an item moves up to a stack between the container and the inventory. Existing stacks are filled first, then empty slots from top to bottom then from left to right. ⇧ Shift +  double clicking moves all items of the same kind. To ⇧ Shift +  double click, get one item in hand, and while holding ⇧ Shift, double click on another item type to move it.

When a crafting table is open, ⇧ Shift +  clicking an item or stack in the inventory moves it into the 3x3 crafting grid. The slots are filled from left to right and then top to bottom.

When any type of furnace is open, ⇧ Shift +  clicking an item or stack in the inventory moves it into the input (upper left) slot of the furnace. Items that can serve as fuel move to the fuel (lower left) slot.

When crafting, ⇧ Shift +  clicking the crafting output automatically crafts the maximum number of that item for the materials being used (up to one stack), and moves all crafted items to the inventory.

In the survival inventory tab of the creative inventory, ⇧ Shift +  clicking the X clears the whole inventory. In any other tab, ⇧ Shift +  clicking an item puts a stack onto the hotbar.

When in the Multiplayer server selection menu, ⇧ Shift +  and ⇧ Shift +  moves a server name to a specific position. Holding ⇧ Shift while a server name is selected and left clicking another server name causes them to swap.

Semi-configurable controls[]

While aspects of these controls can be modified to an extent, full control over them is not possible

DefaultOption nameFunction
WSprint (secondary)This is always the same as the current forward key. When pressed twice in quick succession, causes the player to sprint (unless the character is too hungry). Attempting to sprint (Double-Tap) while fully submerged underwater initiates swimming. This functionality cannot be separated from the forward key.

Configurable controls[]

These are controls that a user may change at their preference.

DefaultIn-game option nameKeybind identifierFunction
SpaceJumpkey.jumpJump. When swimming, keeps the player afloat. When double-tapped, toggles Fly Mode (Creative only). When Fly Mode is on, causes the player to gain altitude (ascend). Player flies faster if sprinting.
Left ⇧ ShiftSneakkey.sneakSneak. When Fly Mode is on, causes the player to lose altitude (descend).

Holding ⇧ Shift and pressing use on an usable block with a block in hand overrides the USE action and places the block instead. For example, using a lever on a block that would usually open an internal inventory (such as a dispenser) places the lever instead.

Used to get off rideable entities.

Left CtrlSprintkey.sprintStart sprinting. Increase speed when Fly Mode is on.
AStrafe Leftkey.leftStrafe left.
DStrafe Rightkey.rightStrafe right.
SWalk Backwardkey.backMove backward.
WWalk Forwardkey.forwardMove forward. The secondary sprint is permanently tied to this.
Controls (5)Attack/Destroykey.attackDestroy blocks (hold down); Attack entity (click once), change mode of debug stick.
Controls (6)Pick Blockkey.pickItemPressing that button while looking at a block or an entity makes the game attempt to put a corresponding item for the block or entity in the player's hand. For blocks, it is simply the block in item form. For mobs, the game places the corresponding spawn egg in the player's hand. This also works on boats, all types of minecarts, paintings, and armor stands[Java Edition only][1] to get the entity in item form. If the item is in the hotbar, it switches the selected hotbar slot to the slot with that item. If the item is not in the hotbar, but in the player's inventory, it moves that item from the inventory into the hotbar. If no hotbar slot is empty, the item selected is replaced. In creative mode, if the item is not in the inventory, the game gives the player that item. This works only in creative mode for entities.‌[Java Edition only][2]

Hovering over an item in any inventory and clicking with the mouse wheel when in creative gives one full stack of that item. Dragging over slots of inventory/container while holding an item fills them with full stacks of copies of that item.

If used on a tile entity while holding Ctrl, or ⌘ Cmd (for some Macs), the tile entity's nbt data are copied. The block given to the player has the Lore: (+NBT)[Java Edition only] or (+DATA)[Bedrock Edition only]..

Controls (7)Use Item/Place Blockkey.use

Place blocks, entity, toggle switches/doors (click once), charge a bow (release to fire), crossbow, use crossbow, block using a shield, use special blocks like chests, doors, and switches, enter vehicles, eat food, drink potions, hoe farmland, shear or dye a sheep, command tamed wolves and ocelots to sit, trade with villagers, place fire using flint and steel or a fire charge, name a mob with a name tag, attach a lead to an animal or attach an animal on a lead to a fence, cast or reel in a fishing rod, throw a splash potion, egg, ender pearl, eye of ender, bottle o' enchanting, or snowball, equip armor from the hotbar if the associated armor slot is empty, eating cake, starting a furnace minecart, open book and quill and written book, use debug stick, add mob in a monster spawner.

Commonly, if both the item held and the block clicked on has a such purpose (like trying to place dirt on a chest), the block overrules the item. This also means a player can punch an entity while eating/drinking, however the eating/drinking resets when a player presses Button 1.

This button also uses items in the off-hand. Only items with a right click function can be used, and they are available only if the item in the main hand does not have a right click action, or its right click action cannot be performed.

QDrop Selected Itemkey.dropDrop/toss an item. If items are stacked, only one gets thrown/tossed/dropped. In recent versions of Java edition, holding the key causes single items to be dropped quickly from a stack. There is no actual "throw" command; "drop" (default Q) tosses an object approximately 2 to 3 blocks from the player. Eggs, Ender Pearls, Eyes of Ender, and Snowballs can be thrown by the "use" command (default right-clicking). Ctrl + Q drops the whole stack of items. On Mac, even though most shortcuts use the command key, Ctrl + Q is still the "drop stack" bind.

Note that there is no corresponding Pick Up command. Dropped items are picked up (if there is room in inventory/hotbar) by moving near them. Placed items are picked up by "mining" (e.g. chopping up a sign with an axe), when they behave as dropped items and can be picked up as such.

19Hotbar Slotkey.hotbar.1–key.hotbar.9Selects the appropriate hotbar item. When in the inventory GUI, swap the contents of the inventory slot under the mouse pointer and the corresponding hotbar slot.
EOpen/Close Inventorykey.inventoryOpens the Inventory. Close any open GUI.
FSwap Items In Handskey.swapOffhandSwitches the items in the players main and off-hand. When in the inventory GUI, swap the contents of the inventory slot under the mouse pointer and the off-hand slot.
Creative Mode
XLoad Toolbar Activatorkey.loadToolbarActivatorPress this key + any number, to access any of the 9 saved toolbars.
CSave Toolbar Activatorkey.saveToolbarActivatorPress this key + any number, to save the current toolbar under that number.
Tab ↹List Playerskey.playerlistIn Multiplayer, hold the Tab ↹ key to see a list of players.

When in the chat window, Tab ↹ cycles through possible commands or arguments and also complete player names.

TOpen Chatkey.chatChat and Server commands. If pressed while the Creative mode inventory is open, it switches to the Search tab.
/Open Commandkey.commandOpens the chat window with the "/" character already typed. On some keyboards (Nordic layout at least) this button might be asterisk/apostrophe (*/ ' ).
PSocial Interactions Screenkey.socialInteractionsGives players the ability to disable chatting with certain players, thus hiding any messages receiving from them. Whether a player is hidden resets when re-joining a server.
LAdvancementskey.advancementsOpen the advancements screen.
Not boundHighlight Players (Spectators)key.spectatorOutlinesHighlights players in Spectator mode.
F2Take Screenshotkey.screenshotSimply pressing this key takes a screenshot and place it in:

%appdata%\.minecraft\screenshots on Windows
~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/screenshots on macOS
~/.minecraft/screenshots on Linux.

Not bound Toggle Cinematic Camerakey.smoothCameraToggles mouse smoothing. Looking around becomes a slow, smooth and more cinematic motion.
F11Toggle Fullscreenkey.fullscreenToggles full-screen mode.

When using some Apple keyboards, F11 must be pressed while holding Fn and ⌥ Option to enter fullscreen. Using F11 alone toggles Exposé, and pressing F11 while holding Fn turns down the volume or vice versa, depending on system preferences.

Some people are experiencing a bug while exiting from full-screen mode that causes an inescapable black screen. When that's the case, use Alt + Tab ↹ to switch out of Minecraft and switch it back to windowed mode.

On Linux, mouse input is often buggy while in full-screen mode. After entering full-screen mode on Linux, the mouse typically restricts the player to a single 360-degree rotation. This can be fixed by hitting Esc to release the mouse then hitting Esc again to regrab it.

Also, note that this may not respect multiple monitors and Minecraft may occupy all screens instead of the one it is active on.

F5Toggle Perspectivekey.togglePerspectiveToggles between first person, third person from the back and third person from the front.

Visual map[]

Controls (8)

Bedrock Edition[]

Keyboard & Mouse[]

The "Keyboard & Mouse" controls are similar to Java Edition, with a few differences. These controls can be changed in the Options. Keyboard controls are unavailable on the Nintendo Switch and are normally unavailable on Android, iOS, iPadOS, and Fire, but are possible to use from connected external keyboards. Mouse controls are unavailable on the Nintendo Switch.

Non-configurable controls
Controls (9)Picks up an item from a slot (a stack from Creative inventory) (click once); Splits a stack evenly (hold and drag); sort loose items into one stack (double-click)
Controls (10)Picks up an item from a slot; Picks up an item from a slot in half; Places one item from a stack in each inventory slot (hold and drag);
Controls (11)Turning; aiming; camera movement.
Controls (12)Scrolls through the Hotbar, inventory menus, and the chat when opened.
EscOpens up the menu and gives back cursor control. Closes any open GUI. Exits the chat/command window.
F1Toggles the Heads-Up Display.
F8Toggles the paper doll from showing.
F11Toggles full screen mode.
⇧ ShiftWhen the inventory is open, ⇧ Shift +  clicking on an item or stack moves it between the inventory and the hotbar. ⇧ Shift +  clicking on a piece of armor moves the piece between inventory and the armor slots.

When a container is open, ⇧ Shift +  clicking on an item transfers it between the container and the inventory. Existing stacks are filled first, then empty slots from top to bottom then from left to right.

When a furnace is open, ⇧ Shift +  clicking an item or stack in the furnace moves it to the inventory, and ⇧ Shift +  clicking an item or stack in the inventory moves it into the input slot of the furnace. Fuel items move into the fuel slot first if it is empty or if the item that occupied the slot is less than a stack of the same kind.

When crafting, ⇧ Shift +  clicking the crafted item automatically crafts the maximum number of that item for the materials being used (up to one stack), and moves all crafted items to the inventory.

⇧ Shift +  clicking an item from the Creative inventory menu puts the maximum stack of the item onto the hotbar (inventory if full).

, , , Switch the highlighted slot or interactable buttons onto another; Move the dragged item onto a different slot or other interactable buttons.
Configurable controls
DefaultIn-game option nameFunction
Controls (13)Attack/DestroyDestroys blocks (hold down); Attacks (click once).
Controls (14)Pick BlockPressing that button while looking at a block or an entity causes the game to attempt placing a corresponding item for the block or entity in the player's hand. For blocks, it is simply the block in item form. For mobs, the game places the corresponding spawn egg in the player's hand. This also works on boats, all types of minecarts, paintings, and armor stands[Java Edition only][3] to get the entity in item form. If the item is in the hotbar, it switches the selected hotbar slot to the slot with that item. If the item is not in the hotbar, but in the player's inventory, it moves that item from the inventory into the hotbar. If no hotbar slot is empty, the item selected is replaced. In creative mode without the item in the inventory, the game gives the player that item. This works only in creative mode for entities.‌[Java Edition only][4]

If used on a tile entity while holding Ctrl, the tile entity's nbt data is copied. The block given to the player has the Lore: "(+DATA)."

Controls (15)Use Item/Place BlockPlaces blocks, interact with blocks, entities, or items, equip armor from the hotbar if the associated armor slot is empty.

If both the item held and the faced block interactable, the block overrules the item; that is, the player interacts with the block.

QDrop ItemDrop/toss an item. If items are stacked, only one is thrown/tossed/dropped. Ctrl + Q drops the whole stack of items.
19Hotbar SlotSelects the appropriate hotbar item.
EInventoryOpens the Inventory. Closes any open GUI.
F5Toggle PerspectiveToggles between first person, third person from the back, and third person from the front.
Space barJump/Fly UpJumps the player. When swimming, keeps the player afloat. Double-tapping toggles Fly Mode (Creative only). Causes the player to ascend while flying.
⇧ ShiftSneak/Fly DownSneak. When Fly Mode is on, causes the player to sneak midair and lose altitude (descend).

Holding ⇧ Shift and pressing use on an interactable block with a block in hand overrides the use action and places the block instead. Dismounts the player from rideable entities.

CtrlSprintStarts sprinting. Speed increases when Fly Mode is on.
AStrafe LeftMoves the player leftward.
DStrafe RightMoves the player rightward.
SWalk BackwardMoves the player backward.
WWalk ForwardMoves the player forward.
ZMob EffectsOpens/closes the Status effects window.
T, ↵ EnterOpen/Close ChatOpens/closes the chat window.
/Open CommandOpens the chat window with the "/" character already typed.
BEmoteOpen/closes the emote menu.
[Menu Tab LeftCycles the inventory/world menu/settings tabs to the left.
]Menu Tab RightCycles the inventory/world menu/settings tabs to the right.

If "Full Keyboard Gameplay" is enabled, the following inputs are made available/used instead.

DefaultIn-game option nameFunction
-Look Up SlightMoves the camera 15 degrees up.
+Look Down SlightMoves the camera 15 degrees down.
NUM 9Look Up RightMoves the camera 45 degrees up-right.
NUM 8Look UpMoves the camera 45 degrees up.
NUM 7Look Up LeftMoves the camera 45 degrees up-left.
NUM 6Look RightMoves the camera 45 degrees right.
NUM 5, End, \Look CenterMoves the camera to the middle.
NUM 4Look LeftMoves the camera 45 degrees left.
NUM 3Look Down RightMoves the camera 45 degrees down-right.
NUM 2Look DownMoves the camera 45 degrees down.
NUM 1Look Down LeftMoves the camera 45 degrees down-left.
Look Up SmoothMoves the camera up smoothly.
Look Down SmoothMoves the camera down smoothly.
Look Left SmoothMoves the camera left smoothly.
Look Right SmoothMoves the camera right smoothly.
PgUpCycle Item LeftCycles the selected hotbar to the left.
PgDnCycle Item RightCycles the selected hotbar to the right.
QAttack/DestroyFunctions are equivalent to left click in normal mode.
XPick BlockFunctions are equivalent to middle click in normal mode.
EUse Item/Place BlockFunctions are equivalent to right click in normal mode.
ZDrop ItemFunctions are equivalent to Q in normal mode.
19Hotbar SlotFunctions are the same as in normal mode.
CInventoryFunctions are equivalent to E in normal mode.
F5Toggle PerspectiveFunctions are the same as in normal mode.
Space barJump/Fly Up
⇧ ShiftSneak/Fly Down
AStrafe Left
DStrafe Right
SWalk Backward
WWalk Forward
Tab ↹Mob EffectsFunctions are equivalent to Z in normal mode.
T, ↵ EnterOpen/Close ChatFunctions are the same as in normal mode.
/Open Command
[Menu Tab Left
]Menu Tab Right
Controls (16)


The "Controller" controls for gamepads are similar to the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4 editions, with some differences. All of these controls, except the stick controls, can be changed in the Options. The Nintendo Switch version can be played with a pair of Joy-Con controllers, the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, or the Nintendo Switch Lite. It cannot be played with a single Joy-Con, as it does not have enough buttons or control sticks. If the gamepad has control sticks, then the left stick (Controls (17)/Controls (18)/Controls (19)/Controls (20)/Controls (21)) would be used for moving and the right stick (Controls (22)/Controls (23)/Controls (24)/Controls (25)/Controls (26)) would be used for looking. The blank spaces mean that the function is, by default, left unassigned and it is up to the player to assign a button to it. All platforms support gamepads.

Controls (27)Controls (28)Controls (29)Controls (30)Controls (31)Controls (32)Controls (33)Controls (34)Controls (35)
Controls (36)Controls (37)Controls (38)Controls (39)
Controls (40)Controls (41)Controls (42)Controls (43)Controls (44)Jump/Fly Up
Controls (45)Controls (46)Controls (47)/Controls (48)Controls (49)Controls (50)Drop Item
Controls (51)Controls (52)Controls (53)Controls (54)Controls (55)Attack/Destroy
Controls (56)Controls (57)Controls (58)Controls (59)Controls (60)Use Item/Place Block
Controls (61)Controls (62)Controls (63)Controls (64)Controls (65)Crafting
Controls (66)Controls (67)Controls (68)Controls (69)Controls (70)Inventory
Controls (71)Controls (72)Controls (73)Controls (74)Controls (75)Cycle Item Left
Controls (76)Controls (77)Controls (78)Controls (79)Controls (80)Cycle Item Right
Controls (81)Controls (82)Controls (83)/Controls (84)Controls (85)Controls (86)Toggle Perspective
Controls (87)Controls (88)Controls (89)Controls (90)Controls (91)Sneak/Fly Down
Controls (92)Controls (93)Controls (94) (click)Controls (95)Controls (96)Sprint
Fly Up Slow
Controls (97)Controls (98)Controls (99) (click)Controls (100)Controls (101)Fly Down Slow
Controls (102)Controls (103)Controls (104)/Controls (105)Controls (106)Controls (107)Emote
Controls (108)Controls (109)Controls (110)/Controls (111)Controls (112)Controls (113)Open Chat
Strafe Left
Strafe Right
Walk Backward
Walk Forward
Pick Block
Controls (114)Controls (115)Controls (116)Controls (117)Controls (118)Open Notification/Mob Effects
  • Controls (119)

    Default Xbox Wireless Controller diagram.

  • Controls (120)

    Default Nintendo Switch controller diagram.[a]

  • Controls (121)

    Default DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller diagram.[b]

  1. "Sneak" and "Jump" are incorrectly swapped around.
  2. "List Players" incorrectly points to the SHARE button (Controls (122)) instead of the Touch pad (Controls (123)).


This section needs to be updated.

Please update this section to reflect recent updates or newly available information.
Reason: BE 1.18.30 & 1.19.40 changes

"Touch" controls for touchscreen devices use controls shown on the screen. Split-touch controls displays a cross hair, which can be set in Settings. Touch controls are available on devices that is touch-enabled except the Nintendo Switch, where the touchscreen can only be used to interact with the hotbar, inventory, and menus.


Controls (125)

Move forward. When double-tapped, causes the player to sprint (unless the character is too hungry). When Fly Mode is on, double-tapping increases the speed at which the player flies. Attempting to sprint (Double-Tap) while fully submerged underwater initiates swimming. While tapped, Controls (126) and Controls (127) appears.

Controls (128)

Move backward.

Controls (129)

Strafe left. While tapped, Controls (130) appears.

Controls (131)

Strafe right. While tapped, Controls (132) appears.

Controls (133)

Strafe left while moving forward.

Controls (134)

Strafe right while moving forward.

Controls (135)

Jump. When swimming, keeps the player afloat. When double-tapped in Creative mode, the player is able to fly, the button changes to Controls (136), and also Controls (137) and Controls (138) appears.

Controls (139)

Visual representation that the player is able to fly, in Creative mode. When double-tapped, the player no longer flies, the button reverts to Controls (140), and also Controls (141) and Controls (142) dissapears.

Controls (143)

Fly up, when flying in Creative mode.

Controls (144)

Fly down, when flying in Creative mode.
Controls (145) + Controls (146)Sneaking while flying in Creative mode.

Controls (147)

Double tap to toggle sneaking, and the button changes to Controls (148). Double tap again to toggle back, and the button reverts to Controls (149).

Controls (150)

Opens the Emotes menu.

Controls (151)

Opens the Chat menu.

Controls (152)

Opens the Pause menu.

Controls (153)

Used for the Agent.‌[Minecraft Education only]

Controls (154)

Opens Immersive Reader.‌[Minecraft Education only]
Move CameraSlide/move finger across the screen.
Place BlockBy default (split controls is disabled), tap the desired area to place the block.
When split controls is enabled, position the camera so that the crosshair is pointed at the desired area and tap anywhere on the screen (excluding the HUD) to place the block.
Break BlockHold finger down on the desired block to break. How long it takes to break the block is indicated by an icositetragonal icon on the screen, varying on the tool being used to break it.
When split controls is enabled, position the camera so that the pointed at the desired block and hold anywhere on the screen (excluding the HUD) to break the block.
Drop itemLong-press on a hotbar slot for about 2 seconds[verify] to drop the entire stack.
Use BlockBy default (split controls is disabled), tap the desired block to use its functionality.
When split controls is enabled, position the camera so that the crosshair is pointed at the desired area and tap anywhere on the screen (excluding the HUD) to use its functionality.
Interact button
Controls (155)

Some items have extra functionality, and these can be excecuted when tapping the interaction button, located on top of the hotbar. These are listed below:

  • Ignite: to ignite a creeper while holding a Flint and Steel.
  • Edit: to edit an NPC’s message
  • Leave Boat: to leave the boat when riding it
  • Feed: to feed an animal while holding food, feed another animal so that both of them can breed
  • Fish: to cast and uncast the rod while holding a Fishing Rod
  • Milk: to milk a cow when holding a Bucket
  • Shear: to shear sheep and mooshrooms while holding shears
  • Milk Stew: to get mushroom stew from a mooshroom while holding a bowl
  • Board: to board a boat
  • Ride: to ride a minecart, horse or strider
  • Sit: to make a pet sit
  • Stand: to make a pet stand
  • Talk: to talk to an NPC in premade world maps like world templates
  • Dye: to dye sheep or a wolf's collar while holding a dye
  • Cure: to cure a zombie villager while holding a golden apple
  • Open: to open a minecart with chest or a minecart with hopper
  • Create Map: to create a map while holding an empty map
  • Take Picture: to take a picture using the camera
  • Saddle: to put a saddle onto a pig or a strider
  • Mount: to mount onto a pig or a strider
  • Boost: to boost a pig or a strider while holding a carrot on a stick or a warped fungus on a stick, respectively.
  • Write: to write in a book and quill
  • Leash: to leash a mob while holding a lead
  • Unleash to unleash a leashed mob
  • Attach Chest: to attach a chest into a donkey, mule or a llama
  • Trade: to trade with a villager
  • Pose: to pose an armor stand
  • Equip: to equip an armor stand while holding a piece of armor
  • Read: to read a written book while holding it
  • Wake Villager: to wake a villager when a villager is in a bed
  • Barter: to barter with piglins while holding a gold ingot
Controls (156)

Legacy Versions[]

These versions have either been discontinued or long forgotten about. However, their controls are documented here for historical purposes.

Pi Edition[]

All of the controls in the Pi Edition are fixed and cannot be changed.

Controls (157)Turning; aiming; third person camera movement.
Controls (158)Destroy blocks (hold down shortly); Move a block from the selection screen to the first hotbar slot, pushing the rest of the items one slot to the right.
Controls (159)Place blocks; Charge a bow (firing is broken).
Controls (160)Scrolls through the Hotbar.
EscOpens up or closes the menu and gives back cursor control.
18Selects the appropriate Hotbar item.
WMove forward.
AStrafe left.
SMove backward.
DStrafe right.
Space barJump. When double-tapped, toggles Fly Mode. When Fly Mode is on, causes the player to gain altitude (ascend).
Left ⇧ ShiftSneak. When Fly Mode is on, causes the player to lose altitude (descend).
EOpen the list of blocks.
Tab ↹Release the mouse cursor from the game window without opening the pause menu.

Pocket Edition: Xperia Play[]

Right BumperPlace block
Left BumperDestroy block
Controls (161)Open inventory
Controls (162)Cycle right in the hotbar
Controls (163)Jump
Controls (164)Cycle left in the hotbar
Directional KeysMovement
Left Touch PadSneak
Right Touch PadMoves the camera
MenuOpen game menu
Touch ScreenChat (multiplayer only). Tap to change selection in hotbar
Search ButtonToggle third person view

Note: For Xperia Play owners using the gamepad, while in creative mode, the lowest two rows of items are beneath the screen, and one cannot scroll down to see them. They are still accessible, but it requires either remembering how many times one has to press the directional buttons to access them, or trial-and-error. This is most prominent in the 4.0 update, as the amount of items has increased, and now sixteen items are hidden. The only way to see them is to turn on the option to use touch controls in the options menu.

Legacy Console Edition[]


  • On the PlayStation Vita Edition (when playing on the PlayStation Vita), Wii U Edition (when playing on the Wii U GamePad), and Nintendo Switch Edition (when playing in Tabletop or Handheld mode), the touchscreen can be used to control the tooltips shown at the bottom of the screen (if enabled), as well as the menus and inventory.
    • Likewise, on the PlayStation 4 Edition, the Touch pad can be used to move the inventory cursor as well as control the menus by swiping.
  • The Wii U Edition can be played with a Wii U GamePad, Wii U Pro Controller, Classic Controller, or Classic Controller Pro. It can not be played with a Wii Remote, Wii Remote Plus, or Nunchuk.
    • Note: While the Wii U Edition can not be played with a Wii Remote or Wii Remote Plus, a Wii Remote or Wii Remote Plus is required to play with a Classic Controller or Classic Controller Pro.
  • The Nintendo Switch Edition can be played with a pair of Joy-Con controllers, the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, or the Nintendo Switch Lite. It can not be played with a single Joy-Con, as it does not have enough buttons or control sticks.


DefaultIn-game option nameFunction
Controls (165)Controls (166)Controls (167)Controls (168)Controls (169)Controls (170)Controls (171)
Controls (172)Controls (173)Controls (174)Controls (175)Controls (176)Controls (177)Controls (178)PausePause the game
Controls (179)Controls (180)Controls (181)Controls (182)Controls (183)Controls (184)Controls (185)PlayersShows the list of players in-game.
Controls (186)Controls (187)Controls (188)Controls (189)Controls (190)Controls (191)Controls (192)MoveLook/move; when quickly pushed forward and then moved, enables sprinting while the button is held.
Controls (193)Controls (194)Controls (195)Controls (196)Controls (197)Controls (198)Controls (199)LookLook/move
Controls (200)Controls (201)Controls (202)Controls (203)Controls (204)Controls (205) (click)[a]/Controls (206)[b]Controls (207) (click)Change Camera ModeChange the camera angle (toggles First Person, Second Person, and Third Person view)
Controls (208)Controls (209)Controls (210)Controls (211)Controls (212)Controls (213) (click)[a]/Controls (214)[b]Controls (215) (click)SneakSneak/walk or in Creative mode, to lower the height while flying.
Controls (216)Controls (217)Controls (218)Controls (219)Controls (220)Controls (221)Controls (222)JumpJump
Controls (223)Controls (224)Controls (225)Controls (226)Controls (227)Controls (228)Controls (229)DropDrop/toss an item from the Hotbar. If items are stacked, only one gets thrown/tossed/dropped.[c]
Controls (230)Controls (231)Controls (232)Controls (233)Controls (234)Controls (235)Controls (236)Crafting / CreativeOpen up Crafting menu, or the item list if in creative mode
If the "Classic Crafting" option is enabled, it opens the inventory.
Controls (237)Controls (238)Controls (239)Controls (240)Controls (241)Controls (242)Controls (243)InventoryOpen up the Inventory
Controls (244)Controls (245)Controls (246)Controls (247)Controls (248)Controls (249)Controls (250)Cycle Held Item (Left)Cycle left in the Hotbar
Controls (251)Controls (252)Controls (253)Controls (254)Controls (255)Controls (256)Controls (257)Cycle Held Item (Right)Cycle right in the Hotbar
Controls (258)Controls (259)Controls (260)Controls (261)Controls (262)Controls (263)Controls (264)PlacePlace Blocks;
Fire with a bow; block using a sword; use special blocks such as chests, doors, and switches; enter vehicles; Toggle Switches/Doors (Click once)

Also: Eat food, hoe farmland, shear sheep

Controls (265)Controls (266)Controls (267)Controls (268)Controls (269)Controls (270)Controls (271)MineDestroy Blocks;
Mine/destroy blocks (Hold down); Attack (Click once).
  1. a b Wii U GamePad and Wii U Pro Controller.
  2. a b Classic Controller and Classic Controller Pro.
  3. There is no actual "throw" command; "drop" (default Controls (272)/Controls (273)/Controls (274)/Controls (275)/Controls (276)/Controls (277)/Controls (278)) tosses an object approximately 2 to 3 blocks from the player. Eggs and Snowballs can be thrown by the "use" command (default Controls (279)/Controls (280)/Controls (281)/Controls (282)/Controls (283)/Controls (284)/Controls (285)). The eggs and snowballs fly in an arc.

In crafting[]

DefaultIn-game option nameFunction
Controls (286)Controls (287)Controls (288)Controls (289)Controls (290)Controls (291)Controls (292)
Controls (293) / Controls (294) / Controls (295)Controls (296) / Controls (297) / Controls (298)Controls (299) / Controls (300) / Controls (301)Controls (302) / Controls (303) / Controls (304) / Controls (305)Controls (306) / Controls (307) / Controls (308) / Controls (309)Controls (310) / Controls (311) / Controls (312)Controls (313) / Controls (314) / Controls (315)Controls (316)Controls (317)Controls (318) / Controls (319)Pointer/MoveMove pointer/selected block/item
Controls (320)Controls (321)Controls (322)Controls (323)Controls (324)Controls (325)Controls (326)CraftCreate item
Controls (327)Controls (328)Controls (329)Controls (330)Controls (331)Controls (332)Controls (333)ExitExit the Crafting Table menu
Controls (334)Controls (335)Controls (336)Controls (337)Controls (338)Controls (339)Controls (340)Split and Desc.Take half of the highlighted stack/show information about the selected block/item
Controls (341)Controls (342)Controls (343)Controls (344)Controls (345)Controls (346)Controls (347)Quick MoveQuickly moves a block/item into its appropriate space
Controls (348)Controls (349)Controls (350)Controls (351)Controls (352)Controls (353)Controls (354)Change Group (Left)Changes the groups of craftable items, moving left
Controls (355)Controls (356)Controls (357)Controls (358)Controls (359)Controls (360)Controls (361)Change Group (Right)Changes the groups of craftable items, moving right

New Nintendo 3DS Edition[]

All of the controls in the New Nintendo 3DS Edition are fixed and cannot be changed.

Controls (362)
Start Button/Select ButtonPause
Circle PadMove
C StickLook
A ButtonJump/Fly Up
B ButtonDrop Item
R ButtonAttack/Destroy
L ButtonUse Item/Place Block
Y ButtonCrafting
X ButtonInventory
ZL Button/+Control Pad LeftCycle Item Left
ZR Button/+Control Pad RightCycle Item Right
+Control Pad UpToggle Perspective
+Control Pad DownSneak/Fly Down

Old Keys[]

This section describes content that exists only in outdated versions of Minecraft.

This feature used to be in the game but has since been removed.

Below are the list of keys which are no longer usable in the current versions of the game.[5]

Java Edition[]

KeyVersions usedFunction
B0.0.20aJava Edition Indev 0.31 20091223-2Brought up the list of usable blocks in Classic Creative, and the first two Creative Indev 0.31 versions.
BJava Edition Indev 0.31 20100128-Java Edition Indev 0.31 20100129Brought up the crafting GUI.
IJava Edition Indev 0.31 20100104Beta 1.3_01Brought up Inventory before Beta 1.4 changed the key to E.
↵ Enter0.0.14a_040.30Set Spawn Point in Classic Creative.
R(Respawn above random[note 1] points of the map) rd-1322110.0.13a_03

(Respawn at set spawn point) 0.0.14a_040.30

Moved the player to random points of the map, before 0.0.14a_04. Respawned the player at set spawn point.
Tab ↹Java Edition Classic 0.24 SURVIVAL TEST-0.30Shot arrows.
F4Java Edition Alpha v1.2.2Spawned a Nether Portal. Used for debug by Notch and removed in a second revision of the same version, without changing the version number.
F50.26 SURVIVAL TESTJava Edition Indev 20100207-2Toggled rain in Classic and Indev.
F6Java Edition Infdev 20100624Alpha v1.1.2_01Shows lagometer if held down.
F3Alpha v1.1.1Alpha v1.1.2_01Shows FPS, and debug info, if held down.
Beta 1.8 Pre-releaseMoved the day/night cycle backward and forward, respectively (only in singleplayer).
0.0.10a -On Windows, focuses on the icon of the window and freezes all of Minecraft's processes, thus stopping setting the location of the mouse to the center of the window and letting the cursor become visible, although the cursor bounds stay the same, allowing for review before taking a screenshot. Holding a movement key then toggling this on then off again makes that key stuck on, even if it is let go. Pressing the same movement key again stops it.
rd-132211 - 0.0.22a_05Functioned the same way as A, would move the player left; WASD keys and arrow keys could be both used as movement.
rd-132211 - 0.0.22a_05Functioned the same way as D, would move the player right; WASD keys and arrow keys could be both used as movement.
rd-132211 - 0.0.22a_05Functioned the same way as W, would move the player up; WASD keys and arrow keys could be both used as movement.
rd-132211 - 0.0.22a_05Functioned the same way as S, would move the player down; the WASD keys and arrow keys could be both used as movement.
Grd-1600520.0.23a_01Spawned a mob] in Pre-Classic and Classic Creative.
YJava Edition pre-Classic mc-1616160.0.22a_05Inverted mouse in Classic Creative.

0.0.23a_01-Beta 1.7.3

Toggled render distance (fog), changed to F3 + F in Beta 1.8.
M0.0.22a_01-0.0.22a_05Toggled both sound and music.
N0.0.12a - 0.0.12a_03Generated a new map in Classic Creative.
F7Java Edition Indev 0.31 20091231-1Java Edition Indev 20100223Isometrically rendered a finite map in Minecraft Indev and 0.31 Indev.
⇧ Shift
Beta 1.2_02Beta 1.4_01Called an unfinished experimental screenshot function that attempted to generate a huge 645 megapixel TGA image with a resolution of 36,450×17,700 pixels.[6]

Pressing this key combination would cause Minecraft to either freeze for a while, displaying several clipped tiles of the current view or crash, depending on available RAM. During this time it would attempt to generate a file of 1.8 GB in size that may end up corrupt.

F8Beta 1.312w08aSlowly pans the camera when moving. (Now must be configured in Options... → Controls... → Key Binds... → Miscellaneous → Toggle Cinematic Camera)
F713w47a1.8.9Pause/unpause the Twitch stream
Any Key
(defaults to NONE)
Mute/unmute microphone, if applicable
Show stream commercials
F6Start/stop the Twitch stream

Debugging controls[]

These controls are used for debugging and were unintentionally left in-game in the following versions: Beta 1.8 Pre-release (pre-reupload only), Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5 and snapshot 12w08a.[7][8] The controls are called the "deadmau5 camera".[9]

YZooms in camera.[7] This and the controls below are the deadmau5 camera.[9]
HZooms out camera.[7]
Y + HResets the camera's zoom.[7]
NRotates camera Counter-Clockwise.[7]
MRotates camera Clockwise.[7]
N + MResets the camera's rotation.[7]
UPans camera forward.[7]
OPans camera backward.[7]
ISlowly pans the camera up.[7]
KSlowly pans the camera down.[7]
JSlowly pans the camera left.[7]
LSlowly pans the camera right.[7]
F6Freezes the player's y-axis position if pressed once, and pressing it again unfreezes their y-axis position.[7]
F9Freezes the player's camera in place.[7]

Pocket Edition[]

ButtonVersions usedFunction
Search ButtonAlpha 0.1.2The search button used to be able to change the camera to and from third person view on all Android devices (with a search button), but now this has to be done via the pause screen, since many devices do not have a search button. The Xperia PLAY retains this functionality.


Issues relating to "Controls" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


See also[]


  1. More specifically, the x and z coordinates were pseudorandom numbers from 0≤x<256 and the y coordinate was always 74


  1. MCPE-90947
  2. MC-65931
  3. MCPE-90947
  4. MC-65931
  5. Archived page of Minecraft Classic from May 20th 2009
  6. "I just realized shift+F2 will generate an almost 2 gb large screenshot in 1.2_02. Half-finished huge screenshot test code."@notch (Markus Persson) on X, January 21, 2011
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o "As you know I always forget at least one thing when upload a release... The "camera controls" (F6 etc) are not supposed to be there =/"@jeb_ (Jens Bergensten) on X, October 27, 2011
  8. "I forgot to disable them in the snapshot"@jeb_ (Jens Bergensten) on X, February 24, 2012
  9. a b "They don't really.. They are called "deadmau5 camera" in the code and was only added for him. They were accidentally enabled"@jeb_ (Jens Bergensten) on X, February 24, 2012
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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.