Culturally Sensitive Therapy (2024)

A culturally sensitive therapist follows guidelines for working with diverse groups of people and understands that racial, cultural, religious, gender, and sexual identities interact with one’s beliefs and behavior. The expectation and ultimate goals for both the therapist and the client are notable progress and improvement, sometimes despite cross-cultural boundaries and differences.

Therapists who successfully integrate cultural sensitivity practices into their treatment recognize and respect differences and take steps to communicate and interact empathetically with clients from diverse backgrounds. At the same time, they recognize that every individual is unique and that two clients who hail from the same culture may still have very different beliefs, values, and preferences. A culturally competent therapist will therefore keep an open mind and ask questions to determine which approach is best for a particular client.

Research has helped document the positive effects of cultural sensitivity practices and has also outlined specific examples of how therapists can be more culturally competent in their interactions with clients of different backgrounds. For instance, one study noted that therapy with Latino clients tended to be less effective when the therapist was seen as distant. Understanding and applying the cultural expectation of disclosing some personal information, for example, may help clients who identify as Latino feel a stronger bond with their therapist.

Other studies show that certain behaviors, such as familiar use of language and a general display of personable traits, can play a particularly important role in some cultures; avoiding these approaches can alienate clients. Alternatively, some studies have found that clients who hail from more collectivist Eastern cultures may feel more comfortable when their therapist takes on an “expert” role and may dislike the more collaborative approach that is common in Western, individualist cultures. Being aware of these potential preferences, and tailoring their approach accordingly, can help therapists formulate treatment plans that are suited to each client.

Importantly, therapists should demonstrate knowledge of how events that take place outside the therapy room could be affecting their client’s well-being or state of mind. Clients of color may feel distressed by racial tension or race-related protests, for example; acknowledging this during therapy, and discussing it directly if the client wishes, can help clients feel like they don't have to censor themselves for their therapist's comfort.

Therapists who practice cultural sensitivity may deviate from standard therapeutic methods; however, they must also adhere to their profession’s ethical guidelines, for example, when it comes to the disclosure of personal information.

Culturally Sensitive Therapy (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.