4 Kawaii Artists and Influences to Inspire Your Illustrations | Blog | Domestika (2024)

Illustrator Ilaria Ranauro introduces us to the wonderful world of Kawaii along with her top artists and influences

Most of us are familiar with Hello Kitty. She’s one of the most famous Japanese icons around. The adorable cat with the little red bow has graced many a bag, pencil case, or T-shirt over the last 50 years. But did you know she’s also one of the most well-known examples of Kawaii?

What is Kawaii?

The word Kawaii roughly translates as “cute” or “adorable” in Japanese. It comes from “kao hayushi” which literally means “one’s face is aglow”. Kawaii culture has come to encompass anyone or anything that is deemed charming, shy, or vulnerable, whether it be a person, animal, a style of handwriting, clothing, or merchandising. Think cuddly puppies or smiling babies.

This unique trend or “culture of cuteness” has its origins in the student unrest of the 1960s/70s in Japan, where the younger population began rebelling against older generations by searching for ways to break away from tradition and the strict, rigid expectations imposed upon them. They started by changing their handwriting, adopting a more “cute” style, including rounded characters and small pictures such as hearts and stars. It may not sound like the most controversial of things, but some students were even expelled for doing so!

With the economic prosperity of the 1970s and the increase in consumer goods, Japanese companies such as Sanrio began to capitalize on this growing trend, and when they launched Hello Kitty in 1974, the Kawaii movement exploded. Companies understood that cute clearly sells. The Kawaii culture branched out to include food and fashion as well as merchandising and illustration. Nowadays, Kawaii is even used as an effective communicative tool in Japan, so don't be surprised if you see a Kawaii-style public information poster in, for example, a railway station.

Ilaria Ranauro is an artist and illustrator from Rome, Italy. She started out as a graphic designer, working for 11 years in both Rome and Berlin, but her true passion has always been illustration.

In 2017, she made a life-changing decision and quit her job to pursue a career as an illustrator. Armed with an iPad and Apple pencil, she began illustrating on Procreate, experimenting with finding her own unique style and slowly building up a portfolio of her work to send to publishers. In 2020, she got her first big break when Penguin Random House Mexico commissioned her to illustrate three children’s books.

The rest, as they say, is history, and today Ilaria is a successful illustrator with clients all over the world.

When it comes to her own personal style, you only have to take one look at her adorable designs to see that Ilaria is now an expert Kawaii illustrator. She believes that it’s never too late to follow your dreams and in her course, Kawaii Illustration: Create Charming Characters, she’ll show you that anything is possible with a little practice.

Here, she shares her favorite artists and influences to inspire you on your journey to perfect the art of Kawaii illustration. You’ll be creating unique characters that spark joy and leave people with a smile on their face in no time at all!

Fran Meneses

“The artist that made me understand that illustration was my vocation was Fran Menseses,” says Ilaria. She first came across the Chilean illustrator on her popular YouTube channel, where she gives a fascinating insight into the world of freelance illustration, including lots of tips and advice about how to contact clients and approach publishers. Her book, El Niño Terrícola, is a great source of inspiration for Ilaria, who loves the use of color and the way the facial features of the characters are drawn.

Vania Bachur

When it comes to Kawaii style in particular, Ilaria looks no further than Mexican illustrator Vania Bachur (@suupeergirl). The talented artist has worked for major international brands including Disney Pixar, Nickelodeon, and Apple, and Ilaria loves her work for its playful, humorous touches, as well as the distinctive color palettes and brushstrokes she uses.

Vania Bachur is also a Domestika teacher, and you can check out her course,Creating an Illustrated Brand: From the Idea to Merchandising, if you’d like to learn more about her process and techniques.


You may already be a fan of Pusheen. As a cat lover and cat mum, Ilaria certainly is! Illustrator Claire Belton managed to create an empire with her popular Kawaii character, and you can now find all sorts of merchandise sporting the lovable feline, including coloring books, bags, and T-shirts. The great thing about the character, in Ilaria’s opinion, is how he is able to connect with his audience - surely anyone can relate to his love of snacks and pizza.


Rilakkuma translates as “bear in a relaxed pose”, and it perfectly describes this lazy-yet-lovable Kawaii character designed by Tokyo-based company San-x. As well as merchandising, Rilakkuma also has his own stop-motion animation series, starring alongside friends Korilakkuma, Kaora, and Kiiroitori, which you can catch on Netflix.

To get started in Kawaii illustration, check out Ilaria Ranauro's Domestika course, Kawaii Illustration: Create Charming Characters, in which you'll learn how to turn your cute characters into stickers by combining digital and analog techniques.

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- What Is Kawaii art, Japan’s Culture of Cuteness?
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- Creating an Illustrated Brand: From the Idea to Merchandising, course by Vania Bachur

4 Kawaii Artists and Influences to Inspire Your Illustrations | Blog | Domestika (2024)
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